Colossians 1:17,19 (WEB)
[Jesus] is before all things, and in him all things are held together. For all the fullness was pleased to dwell in him.
"His presence was healing, and it changed the world. In a sense he didn’t do anything! 'Everyone who touched him was healed' (Mark 6:56)."
-Henri Nouwen
It is so easy to lose track of the reality that Jesus does so much in us that we don't see. We are so often more concerned about our outer actions than we are about our inner selves.
I have been in a season during which focusing on Jesus was hard to do. I am thankful that God sent help through my husband, our doctor, my therapist, and understanding friends and family.
Healing comes in so many ways, and whether we realize it or not, Jesus is there at the center of it all.
Thanks, Jesus.