Monday, March 24, 2014

Holding Hands with God

For I hold you by your right hand--I, the LORD your God. And I say to you, 'Don't be afraid. I am here to help you. (Isaiah 41:13)

As I read this verse from Isaiah I find myself looking at my right hand and imagining what it would be like to truly have God in the flesh…Jesus…literally holding my right hand.  Would I be like the star-struck fan who gets a kiss or a handshake from their favorite singer or actor and then says with a dreamy look in their eyes, “I’ll never wash this hand again?”

Was this what the woman felt like who was in the midst of the crowd trying to reach Jesus?  She only managed to touch the hem of his robe—she didn’t even touch his flesh—but still that was enough to heal her of the bleeding that she’d had for years. I can imagine her sense of wonder and accomplishment.  “I did it!  I touched him!  And I’m healed!”

For I hold you by your right hand…

I cannot see or feel anyone holding my hand at this moment.  But this verse says “I hold you…” in present tense.  This very moment God is holding my right hand…even as I type this.  And he was holding it already before I read this, and he will continue holding it even though I stop thinking about it and move on to other things.

How would life be different if I could always remember that God is always holding my hand?
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